Hand holding a key fob with thumb over the unlock button
Leave it to the Experts: Car Key/Fob Reprogramming

J&J – The Premier Auto Locksmith

Technology promises to simplify our lives, but the days of simple, inexpensive mechanical keys are long gone. With advancements in security technology, the risk of auto theft has significantly decreased, but reprogramming the key if lost, broken, or stolen, isn’t the breeze it once was. However, the experts at J&J Access & Security have undergone rigorous training to master key/fob/remote reprogramming. Dive into our guide to key reprogramming and discover why tapping into J&J’s arsenal of expertise guarantees smooth sailing and peace of mind during the process.


How it Works

While some companies have claimed programming a fob to your vehicle is a project easy enough to accomplish yourself, one small misstep can lead to a car that won’t move and thousands of potential dollars in repair. For example, Tom’s Key company claims that all they need is the year, make, and model, and they’ll provide you with a new key you can program yourself. While this may seem easy and cheap, will it work for your vehicle?

The answer? Probably not. Newer vehicles made in 2002 or after require chip-integrated keys which must be correctly programmed into your vehicle so as to not trigger the immobilizer. The immobilizer, an anti-theft mechanism, will prevent the engine from starting due to an improper ignition key. Failing to get an exact cut of your key or being unaware of where the chip came from can both set off the immobilizer and be detrimental when attempting DIY car reprogramming. Putting this process into the hands of the experts at J&J ensures that keys will be cut with the proper equipment and your car’s security won’t be compromised.


The J&J Process

At J&J Access & Security, we take pride in our work, giving you peace of mind that the job will be consistently done well. If you’ve found yourself in a bind with your car key, have no fear; we can reprogram your fob or unlock your car from just about anywhere! Whether in the shop or on the road, we have the tools needed to produce keys for all domestic vehicles and about 80% of foreign vehicles. We just require the car’s year, make, and model, along with proof of insurance, a driver’s license, registration, and VIN to get started. If a car has been made in the last 12 years, we can retrieve the information from the National Automotive Service Task Force. NASTF manages and regulates the automotive industry and keeps a record of what keys were cut to when they left the factory. J&J is a member of this organization and can request the appropriate information to have a key cut before we even go to the site.

If you’ve been locked out of your car but don’t need a reprogrammed fob, J&J also offers standard car openings starting at $85 for the QC Metro Area. Contact us to learn more about what information is needed in such instances.


While DIY projects can be fun, risking the security of your car and forking over thousands of dollars in repair fees will turn a simple project into a living nightmare. At the end of the day, it’s just worth it to go to the professionals.


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1. Emerging Trends in Locksmithing

2. The Running Trend of Car Theft

3. J&J Access and Security’s Automatic Door Openers