Professional Locksmith
Key Kiosks vs. Professional Locksmiths: The True Cost

How Key Kiosks Compromise Your Security

You’ve likely seen them in big-box retailers. You might have even used them. Those portable key-copying machines can sure appear convenient and affordable. But are they worth it compared to hiring a professional locksmith?


These key kiosks are fast, but they are in nowhere near as accurate as a professional locksmith. They can’t decode a key or identify any flaws within the original key. They copy it, flaws, and all. The experts at J&J have a discerning eye. Technicians are constantly trained in both locksmithing and patented key-making. They can ensure your key is accurate to less than 1/100 of an inch. Plus, they have the practice of making 2,500-10,000 keys a day!



The material your keys are cut from matters. Nickel keys are much harder/more durable, and they need to be cut with a sharper blade. Brass keys are softer and need to be cut very carefully to prevent the material from pulling and making the key incorrectly. Most key kiosks cut aluminum keys. Aluminum keys are very soft and typically only last about 6 months before dulling or becoming misshapen. You’ll end up spending more in cheaply made replacement keys than you ever would going to a professional from the start.



Believe it or not, key kiosks have little regard for your home or business’ security. Keys have different profiles, or thicknesses, to prevent keys with the same shape from fitting in a lock. Since key kiosks are not as accurate and don’t read the key like a professional locksmith does, they just cut the key on a thinner profile. This could allow the copied key to fit into locks you may not want them to. This is extremely dangerous for the security of your home, apartment complex, or business. J&J on the other hand has 6,000 different profiles and 10,000 different blanks in stock to make sure the keys only work on the locks you want them to.  

In a legal sense, J&J also protects you. Since key kiosks do not read the key, they do not pick up if it says “Do Not Duplicate”. If you duplicate a key that says this there are legal ramifications in Iowa and Illinois. An expert locksmith will read the key and not make a copy of it, protecting you from any legal or security issues.


Your Locksmithing Experts

At J&J your security is our top priority. Stop in or contact us today and we can get your keys copied in as little as five minutes.


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